Season 3
S3 Ep17: Nothing Equals Love
Timothy Shriver, who leads the Special Olympics International Board of Directors, is the co-founder of UNITE, who co-founded and currently chairs the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning...
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S3 Ep16: Trust: An essential ingredient to building great relationships
Back in June 2019, in our first season of the Someone To Tell It To Podcast, we interviewed best-selling author and leadership expert Jon Gordon. In our conversation, we talked about trust, how it is one of the...
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S3 Ep15: Their Lives are a Testament
On the first anniversary of George Floyd’s death, we feature a compilation of podcast conversations we have had over the past year or so with black Americans, as they talk about their experiences as minorities in the...
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S3 Ep14: Living Authentically
Living authentically matters to Paul Colaianni. A lot. He says taking the risk to be who we really are can ultimately be a very good thing. He says we must not allow others to dishonor us because they won’t allow...
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S3 Ep13: Cultivate an Engaged, Inspired, Productive, and Profitable Team Culture
With over twenty years of experience developing and delivering curricula, Kelly Waltman has a passion for helping individuals learn and grow. In this episode, Kelly helps us see someone else’s strength as a...
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S3 Ep12: Moving Outside Our Comfort Zones
Anthony Johnson has a passion for helping others. Based on his military experience, parenting two children, coaching, as well as his many life experiences, he helps others overcome their challenges by facing fears,...
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S3 Ep11: An Asset to be Valued
Today, we have a dialogue about how every voice can be heard, every voice can be expressed, with Max Masure (they/them). Max is an Ethical UX (User Experience) Researcher, DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion)...
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S3 Ep10: The Best Way to Understand People
The International Listening Association was established in 1979 with a mission to advance the practice, teaching, and research of listening throughout the world. The ILA’s vision is to be the international leader of...
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S3 Ep9: Human Beings First
His gentle and calming manner is exactly what we need in this turbulent and unsettled time. Dr. Krishna Naineni, a member of the Royal College of General Practitioners and on the training faculty at The Brighton and...
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S3 Ep8: The Components of Healthy Friendships
Kat Vellos is a prolific writer and speaker on the topic of friendships. Intimate friends share each other’s experiences and in some ways, they inhabit each other’s lives. They often have similar viewpoints and...
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S3 Ep7: "It Is What It Is"
Rishita Jones, of Amsterdam, Netherlands, has a belief that if we learn to accept the things we can’t ultimately control - and that means just about everything - we would be much more content and would have much more...
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S3 Ep6: The Necessity of Belonging
Sarah Judd Welch believes that “belonging is more necessary now than ever”. She points to our current culture moment - with its significant polarization, disconnection, and loneliness - in stressing the imperative to...
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