YOU helped make this monumental day possible
May 11, 2018
Today is a monumental day for Someone To Tell It To and we want to invite YOU to be a significant part of it—because YOU are a part of it!
First off, thank you, thank you, thank you to all of our generous and faithful financial supporters, cheerleaders, and encouragers. You have helped AND are helping make this special day possible.
STTIT is pleased to announce that our new website is now LIVE!!!
Please take some time today to check out a few highlights:
- STTIT’s Promo Video
- STTIT’s Training Resource is now available to the religious, educational, and corporate communities, endorsed by Ken Blanchard, co-author of the New York Times bestseller The One Minute Manager®.
Again, we are here today because of YOU and your support, and we are humbled. Thank you for helping us take this huge step forward.
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