Uninhibited Joy

Jul 24, 2012
While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.
~Angela Schwindt

 Last night after work, as a treat, we took my (Tom’s) children to an amusement park.  On a hot mid-summers-night it seemed like an important thing to do.  As we were working throughout the day Lillian and Luke were super excited–asking us every five minutes when we would be leaving–they couldn’t wait!  We couldn’t wait either.  An evening of fun and excitement would be good for our souls.

We (Tom and Michael) arrived at the park and were planning on riding just a few kiddie rides–ones that they had been talking about all afternoon.  What we hadn’t planned on doing was going on water rides at the park; we didn’t pack water shoes, towels, bathing suits, or sunscreen.  But the heat and humidity and the delighted laughter of so many other kids drew us in.  Since we didn’t have the proper clothing to wear we were tentative at first, wondering if it was o.k. for them (and us) to get our clothes soaking wet.  They were tentative at first too.  In fact, my daughter Lillian said, “I don’t know if I should go without my suit on.”  And I (Tom) wondered what their mother would say if they came home soaking wet. 

But the first pool of water we stepped in felt so refreshing on a hot-humid summer evening!!!  There were fountains, and waterfalls, and sprays of water all around us and we were careful to keep a safe distance from them.  But soon, after watching my children begin to lose their own inhibitions, and having them tug at our hands and pushing us from behind, we too lost our inhibitions.  And before long, we all just abandoned our concern about staying dry and we just gave in and got completely soaked.  It felt so good and it was so much fun just allowing joy and utter satisfaction to overtake us.  It was a memorable night–the kind of night that all of us need to have as often as we can.

There are times in our lives, sometimes long seasons in fact, which seem as if they will never end.  Maybe its from an illness, unemployment, a job you hate, a relationship gone bad, or grief at a devastating loss which can take us to dark and lonely places.  And in those times joy is difficult to be found.  But joy is a gift that children can teach how to find again.  Child-like joy doesn’t seem to be dependent upon circumstances.   It is easily evoked.  They are quick to abandon all inhibitions. Quick to embrace simple delight.  Quick to pull us and push us from the burdens of our responsibilities and cares, into the refreshing waters that wash away our seriousness and the gravity of our situations.  As fathers, children give us a gift that we so often need.

Photo by MI PHAM on Unsplash 

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