The Sacredness of Listening

Aug 07, 2012

We believe in the profound power of listening. We have continually relearned and have been amazed by the transforming effect of giving one’s time to hearing the dreams, hopes, fears and conditions of the people in our lives. It has become increasingly clear to us how true the words of Australian-born author Miles Franklin are:

Someone to tell it to is one of the fundamental needs of human beings.

We see this vividly with every conversation we have with others. When all of us can share our fears, express our regrets, convey our circumstances or just tell our story, burdens are lifted, stress is relieved and, at least for a time, healing is achieved.

When each of us finds others who will listen carefully, compassionately and confidentially, we become connected to them, and then are not so alone anymore. As we allow others into the depths of our souls and into the corridors of our minds we often find common ground and realize our thoughts and worries are shared, that we’re not as isolated as we think. As we can explore the more vulnerable aspects of our lives we enable others to accompany us on the journey, and just having company can embolden and empower us immeasurably.

To be listened to actively is a true blessing. Anytime anyone who genuinely cares about our welfare will provide us with a patient spirit and who can receive our spirits without harsh judgment, with openness and with empathy we are given a gift a grace and made better for it. To listen actively is to respond with encouragement. It is to react with thoughtful reflection and always with the best interests of the other in mind. It means we never rehearse our response as others talk. It means we never place our own agenda before someone else’s. Listening can be one of the most difficult things we can ever do. But the gift it is to others is a gift beyond measure and compare. 

When we are invited into others’ lives it is a privilege of great magnitude, a gift itself of grace. In listening we are made better. In listening we become more forgiving, more understanding and more compassionate.

Listening is a profound gift to those who speak and to those who hear.

Photo by Josh Eckstein on Unsplash 

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