The Language of Love
Oct 24, 2024
Hearing and being heard. Feeling validated and appreciated. Knowing that others are proud of him.
These gifts in his life speak deeply to Brandon Miller. They inspire him, strengthen him, and motivate him to act. They remind Brandon that he is loved.
Brandon loves Someone To Tell It To’s mission. He’s been listened to by Someone To Tell It To listeners. The listening that he received helped him to discover and uncover more about himself - what is important to him, what he needs in his life and relationships. He appreciated the listening so much that he wanted to be trained as a compassionate listener for Someone To Tell It To. Now he listens to others and helps them in the way he has been helped and loved.
Some of Brandon’s listening experiences include supporting a young man as he seeks to find his way through life as he begins adulthood, helping an older man process his profound feelings of loss after his twin brother suddenly died, and giving space to allow the teachers and staff of an early education center talk through the challenges and responsibilities they have molding and caring for young childrens’ lives.
Brandon loves Fred Rogers, whose life and message inspired the creation of Someone To Tell It To. He is especially grateful for Mr. Rogers’ gentleness, how Fred approached everyone he met in his life - gently, empathetically, kindly. In a world of vast human disconnection, deep disagreement, and chronic disillusionment, Brandon identifies Mr. Rogers’ gentle demeanor as a profound way to create human connection, find common ground, and foster a way to feel hope and promise again, or maybe for the very first time.
Brandon exemplifies Someone To Tell It To’s values and vision to foster human connection - to keep showing up through the listening services we provide. We are proud of him for his commitment to listening’s power to transform lives and to change the world so that everyone can feel heard - and loved.
We invite you to be a significant part of our mission to inspire and foster greater human connection, by donating to our “I’m Proud of You” campaign.
You will be helping to expand the language of love near and far, to allow Brandon and so many others to show those around them that they are proud of them for reaching out to be heard and just for being who they are.
Thank you!
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