Oct 30, 2024
Thank you for listening to me like you did. Not everyone does.
Thank you for validating how I’m feeling, for telling me that what I’m feeling is not unusual. That I’m not such an oddball after all.
Thank you for respecting me enough to take the time to hear me and for really seeming to care. That means more than I can say.
I felt as if I was Someone today, Someone whom Someone else really thought was a good person, despite my insecurities and doubts.
All of us want to be Someone.
Someone who is heard.
Someone who is validated for who we are.
Someone who is cared about.
Each of us, in our own ways, want - and need - to know that others respect us enough to consider our feelings, our needs, and our perspectives. We all want to matter and to feel as if our lives have meaning.
Ultimately, we want to be loved.
We want to belong, to be considered by others, thought of, and to know that we’re not all alone in the struggles and challenges of life.
That’s what it means to be Someone.
We believe that everyone is Someone. Someone who needs to be given a chance to thrive, to be our best selves, to be allowed to dream about goodness and hope and light.
We believe that we all need to be given grace for our mistakes and imperfections. That our contradictions shouldn’t be all that defines us. That we each have the capacity to offer something beautiful in this world that we share with one another.
All of us are Someone.
We hope that you believe that everyone is Someone, too.
We hope you believe it about yourself, as well. That’s where believing it about others begins.
With yourself.
Photo by Jason Mavrommatis on Unsplash
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