September 2014 News

Sep 27, 2014

This month, Someone To Tell It To is introducing a new logo. 

Designed by Lynne Farrow, MA, MFT, of North Carolina, artist, spiritual director and marriage and family therapist, she describes what the various parts of the logo mean to her:

As a retired therapist most people coming out of isolation and ready to talk have a heart full of intensity … hurt, pain, confusion, anger, etc. The vividness of that portion of the image is nicely balanced by the calm colors of the listening ear … the Holy Spirit dove is in keeping with spiritual focus of your work, … emphasizing the quiet work of the Spirit through the listening process.

We thank Ms. Farrow when she offered this logo to us as her gift to our mission and ministry.

The new logo accompanies our new website redesign which will be introduced in late October. Both these updates point to the future as we move toward greater sustainability – introducing new programs and an expanded staff to grow our outreach throughout the world.

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