Making Sense Out of Senselessness

Dec 19, 2012

In times of stress, the best thing we can do for each other is to listen with our ears and our hearts and to be assured that our questions are just as important as our answers    

     Fred Rogers

Ever since Friday’s tragic shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, we have read and watched countless stories and commentaries on what this horrific act means.  We have had many people talk with us and have even had strangers on the street stop to share about their feelings concerning the devastation that occurred that morning.

 There is definitely a need among us to talk about and make sense of an incredibly senseless act.  In times of crisis and disbelief our humanity calls us to ask the questions – Why?    How? What can we do to prevent this from ever happening again? 

There are no easy answers.  No quick and painless solutions.  No neat, precise, clear responses that can take the pain and shock away or keep evil from threatening us again.  But this national conversation is an important one to have.  Even if the answers are not readily apparent or forthcoming, it is necessary to begin to search our hearts and our souls and ask the tough, difficult and uncomfortable questions that will ultimately lead us to answers that will enable to be a better society.   We must not stop asking these questions and searching for the insights that will bring us healing, comfort and clarity. 

 We need to listen to one another with respect and compassion as we together seek the wisdom we need to mend the brokenness, purge the injustices and right the wrongs among us.   

 It is not easy.  But our survival and our strength do depend on it. 

For us personally, it’s not about trying to come to clear, concise patented answers about what happened.  Because that is ultimately not helpful and possible.  But what is helpful and possible is asking questions about how events such as this one change our lives and the lives of those around us.  Unforeseen events and circumstances could cause in us a greater appreciation for our own lives and our sense of value.   It can also cause in us greater awareness that our lives are fleeting and precious,   The greater question for us is –

How do I make the most of this moment, this time that I have been given?  How do I find meaning right now, today?

That is how we make sense of senselessness such as this.

In times of crisis, people reach for meaning.  Meaning and strength.  Our survival may depend on our seeking and finding it.

     Dawna Markova

Photo by Mayron Oliveira on Unsplash 

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