Just Imagine

Jan 02, 2014

More wisdom from our spirtual mentor, Henri Nouwen.  Can you imagine a world in which peace and reconcilation are priorities for us all:

So much of our energy, time, and money goes into maintaining distance from one another.  Many if not most of the resources of the world are used to defend ourselves against each other, to maintain or increase our power, and to safeguard our own privileged position.

 Imagine all that effort being put in the service of peace and reconciliation!  Would there be any poverty?  Would there be crimes and wars?  Just imagine that there was no longer fear among people, no longer any rivalry, hostility, bitterness, or revenge.  Just imagine all the people on this planet holding hands and forming one large circle of love.   We say, “I can’t imagine.”  But God says,  “That’s what I imagine, a whole world not only created but also living in my image.”

Photo by Jeremy Beck on Unsplash 

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