It's About Love

Apr 18, 2014

Sadly, last Sunday, breaking news detailed deadly shootings at two Jewish Community Centers near Kansas City, Kansas.   Three people were killed.  Once again, the horror of human hate and its devastation intruded into all of our lives and reminded us of the evil that lurks within us and around us.

Later that day and the next day, other news connected to the shootings broke through, too.  It was news of hope in the midst of despair, gratitude in the midst of grief, and grace in the midst of overwhelming loss.

Mindy Corporon, whose father William Lewis Corporon and whose 14-year old son Reat Underwood were two of the people senselessly killed last Sunday, spoke publically about her losses and her reaction to them.  At a prayer vigil on the day of their deaths – – and in a press conference the following day – – she shared touching memories of her father and of her son and spoke of the absolute value of love in this life.

It was the love that she has for her son and father that led her to express her gratitude for the life she had with them.  It is the love of her remaining family and her friends that gives her comfort and reminds her that she is not alone to face her grief.  It is her love of God and her belief in God’s love for her that gives her strength and reassurance.  It is love that compels her to believe that something good can eventually come from the devastation that intruded into her life.

It’s about loving and caring for one another, she says.

It certainly is.

And on this day, Good Friday, and during this week, of Passover, those of us who believe these things too, have hope and faith that goodness and love will prevail over the evil that lurks among us.

Photo by Jamez Picard on Unsplash 

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