Intrinsic Worth

Jan 30, 2025

None of the values of Someone To Tell It To is as foundational and vital to hold, as is the first one we always lead with in everything we talk about:

We believe that everyone has inherent worth and that open, ongoing, meaningful human connection has the power to provide hope and healing to us all.

Without that value, without believing that every human being has inherent worth, simply by being human, we will not do well at connecting with others, and neither will we listen with compassion, or a non judgmental attitude, or with respect. 

To truly hear and begin to understand another human being - their experiences, values, and deeper needs - we have to start with the belief that everyone has value and wants to be loved. It’s pretty simple and basic. 

We are wired for human connection and all want to know that we matter. 

We want to be regarded well. 

We want to be known. 

We want to feel that others care about us. 

Listening can fulfill those wants - and needs - in very valuable ways.

Listening is about offering dignity to others, even when they may not offer the same to us. Listening and growing to know Someone can cause us to regard them in better and more respectful, empathetic ways. 

Listening can show Someone that they are valued and have inherent worth. 

The world, right now, is in a season that seems to be denying the inherent worth of some people, perhaps more people than we really can comprehend. We label others as unworthy of our compassion and regard. We marginalize them and make them feel unknown and uncared for. We make them feel as if their differences from ours make them undeserving of dignity and respect. We convey that they don’t belong, don’t have the right to be included, and aren’t equal to us. 

We don’t see that what we have in common far outweighs the differences we have with one another. 

We are cynical, skeptical, and tolerant of others being left out, left behind, or without the basic human rights of safety, security, and self-determination. 

Someone To Tell It To exists to remind people - all people - that they have value, have a voice that deserves to be heard, and have gifts and ideas that this world needs, to be the kind of world in which everyone knows their worth and knows that they are loved.

It’s simply what all of us need to know, to live a good and meaningful life.

Photo by Jack Finnigan on Unsplash 

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