
Dec 04, 2020

It’s what Jamia Wilson, the keynote speaker at our 2020 Annual Gathering and newly-appointed Editor and Senior Vice President at Random House, wishes for the world to have as we face the many challenges of this present age: A global pandemic, a widespread economic slowdown, racial tensions and reckonings, and the aftermath of a very bitter national election. Jamia calls us to have the courageof faith, of love, and of hope, and to embody each of these gifts in order to bring more tenderness into the world in these turbulent and unsettled times.

We invite you to take four minutes to listen to her words.

And after that, we believe you will be moved by the original song “Fine” written and performed for the 2020 Annual Gathering by Berklee College of Music students Annie Elise, of Pennsylvania, and Sebastian Olaya, of Ecuador. The song speaks of the essence of why Someone To Tell It To exists — to reassure each other in times when things in our lives might not be “fine.”

We hope you are moved by the passion of these artists and leaders to speak to the circumstances of our present age — and Someone To Tell It To’s mission to alleviate the epidemic of loneliness and disconnection in our world.

The entire 2020 Annual Gathering is available for viewing on YouTube, and we hope you’ll watch the powerful messages of all of our guests and speakers.

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