Coming Soon - Someone To Tell It To: Sharing Life's Journey

May 07, 2014

We just got back the final edits from Thomas Nelson Publishers/Westbow Press for our book – Someone To Tell It To: Sharing Life’s Journey. Here is what the editors said about it. We feel very grateful to have received such positive affirmation. We will let you know, as soon as get word, when the book will hit bookstores – sometime this summer. We’re also including a picture of the front cover for you to see!

In this manuscript, the authors have collaborated to create a safe place for others to share their fears, anxieties, insecurities, sorrows, etc. Although we are able to connect with others in our lives and the world in numerous ways through social media and technology, true intimacy is lacking, and that is what the authors set out to rectify. True healing and growth occur within relationships where both parties are safe and free to be who they are and express what is on their hearts. The authors certainly know of what they speak, which makes them trustworthy and reliable guides. Readers will appreciate and benefit from their honesty and vulnerability as well as their ability to share their message in vivid, descriptive, evocative language and a friendly, conversational tone. While reading these words, the reader feels as if he or she were sitting across the table from a good friend. Excellent job!

It touched me in so many ways, and I think there is truly something in here for everyone. The stories are remarkable, and all the contributors, including the two of you, are incredibly brave to be vulnerable and open with anyone who reads this book. You are all doing a great service. I really liked and admired that you didn’t shy away from the difficult subjects—even those that can often cause debate, especially in the religious community, like suicide and sexuality. I will carry this book with me for a long time.

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