A Safe Place
Jul 10, 2014
Another excerpt from our book: Someone To Tell It To: Sharing Life’s Journey –
Our nonprofit, Someone to Tell It To, is who we are and who we want to be. We know what the need to unburden ourselves and express our
vulnerability with someone who will not judge feels like. We know the freedom it brings and want others to know it too.
Every day we hear stories from people living with cancer; stories about what it’s like to live with addictions; stories of loss and fear; stories of shame;
stories about the struggle to fi nd meaning; stories of those wrestling with their faith; stories of loneliness, rejection, and fear; stories of emptiness
and longing for purpose; and stories of those who want to belong but don’t know how.
We understand that telling our stories to one another and providing a safe place is necessary in our world, which often feels disconnected and
individualistic, a world in which we wear masks to hide and disguise our true selves. When we take off our masks, let others in, and share our stories,
we help one another.
We hope that you’ll want to read more about how we can find greater connections, develop deep intimacy and enjoy more fulfilling relationships.
We invite you to read more about the feelings and challenges that all of us share in our new book, just released last week by Westbow Press (Thomas Nelson/Zondervan Publishers).
Someone To Tell It To: Sharing Life’s Journey can be purchased at:
Barnes & Noble.com – http://www.amazon.com/Someone-Tell-Sharing-Lifes-Journey/dp/1490839038/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1404833842&sr=1-4&keywords=someone+to+tell+it+to
Westbow Press.com – http://bookstore.westbowpress.com/AdvancedSearch/Default.aspx?SearchTerm=gingerich+and+kaden
or directly from the authors, Michael Gingerich and Tom Kaden, at [email protected].
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